23 February, Allston, MA, USA

The HBS Blockchain and Crypto Club is bringing thought leaders, founders, investors, and other prominent figures in blockchain and crypto to discuss the current state of the industry.

Through the lens of mainstream adoption, we will explore topics such as:

  • Trends for VC investing in blockchain/crypto startups and cryptocurrencies
  • Building out the financial infrastructure stack (custody, liquidity, security, stablecoins, etc.) and other enterprise applications
  • Analysis of the current dApp and web3 ecosystem — what are the bottlenecks to widespread consumer adoption?
  • From the entrepreneur’s perspective, discussing how to build blockchain/crypto startups from inception to fundraising
  • Tech crypto vs. money crypto debate: where will value accrue for this nascent asset class?
  • What do current tech companies think of blockchain/crypto?
  • Can blockchains simultaneously be scalable, private, and secure? How will emerging tech like ZK-SNARKS/STARKS, FHE, and sharding play a role?
  • Live blockchain/crypto startup demos and interactive workshops

Event location

Harvard i-Lab, Batten Hall

Event official page:


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